Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 6, 2016

US Address Lookup

You can find the the postcode with US address lookup at postcode finders

United State Postcode Finders

United State Postcode Finders

US Postcode Finder

Type part of an address or postcode to begin.Then press "Find" to send requets to Postcode Finder System.


If it return results. Tap and hold the result to copy in clipboard.If error occurred, please try again


This function is only use to lookup US postcode!If you want to lookup UK postcode, please go to UK Postcode Finders
Tags: postcode finders

UK Postcode Finders

Postcode Finders

UK Postcode Finder

Type part of an address or postcode to begin.Then press "Find" to send requets to Postcode Finder System.


If it return results. Tap and hold the result to copy in clipboard.If error occurred, please try again


This function is only use to lookup UK postcode!If you want to lookup US postcode, please go to US Postcode Finders
Tags: postcode finders

Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 6, 2016


**************** POSTCODE FINDERS ***************** 
Description Welcome to Postcode Finders, here's a free tool to lookup address to a postcode, and a postcode to an address.
Fearture In the first version of Postcode Finders, it contains 3 basic function to find a postcode.
- Posibilty to find postcode in United Kingdom
- Posibilty to find postcode in United State
- Posibilty to lookup an address
You can also view address with google map ... and Postcode Finders has no limit in use
Postcode Finder base in newest google design pattern : Material Design. So the UI is very easy to use.
 Performance With no background services, Postcode Finder has not drain the battery, and runnung as smooth as able. Postcode Finder using native java code, so comfirm that all the task running fast in all devices.
Feedback Every feedback about Postcode Finders will be noted and review to make our next version as good as able. So every issue in use, please contact us to make a better Postcode Finders.

If Postcode Finders make you feel useful. Let's make a review and rate for us. Thanks for using.